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GNation in the United Nations: ‘It is the time! It is the time for Good Nation to happen!’

4 juin, 2019 - 5 juin, 2019
United Nations Headquarters, New York City

Sergey Sholom, the founder of GNation, took part in the annual Blockchain for Impact Global Summit at the UN’s headquarters in New York on June 4th, 2019. The Summit convenes over 100 BFI member organizations that share a passion for achieving profound environmental and social impact.

Here is the link of Sergey’s full presentation:

On this GNation presentation in UN there has been special attention put to the value of influencers, celebrities, those who have millions of followers. No matter what society thinks about them there are so many of them who wants to give this influence power a real sense and value. And they are joining Good Nation for a bigger cause to unite all the people on the planet towards impact.This outstanding act or support and attachment to the cause we all can observe now by looking at numbers that these new arrived GNation Partners represent:

Sergey on one of the questions has expressed outstanding value and importance of gaming community in impact. It is an absolute turning point in perception of gaming and significance of impact to be made with kids around the world:

The founder of GNation gave a profound speech about the power of people being united together to fix all that is broken in this world:

«First of all special thankful words for providing guidance and priceless input to UN Office for Partnerships, Global PartnershipForum, PVBLICFoundation for their outstanding leadership in bringing and supporting private sector in creation a bigger impact!

I’d like to start from the question to all of us here. Are we really going to fix it all being one of few who are doing it? Do we seriously think it is possible?

Isn’t it obvious that no matter how much thousands of us resist and fight for the life on the planet we always lose at the end when billions of us are not doing the same?

Isn’t it clear that a billion of people together can fix much more if not all comparing to thousands even with technologies and money at their hands?

Did we see enough from history when people being united represents the biggest power to create and as well to destroy?

It is the time!

I believe it is the time for us to get united and to fix all together the life on the planet. Finally to give it a hand. I believe we need to become laser focused and to power up SDG #17 Partnerships and to bring it to another dimension and space - to a level where partnership happens between people. Good people. People that are holding hands of each other and fixing everything by themselves.

For that we need to empower them with information, knowledge and solutions and tools that helps them to create good right at their fingertips.

More than 2 years with global 200 people talented team we have been working to build everything to unite people around impact. We have build the largest Open Social Impact Ecosystem that unites people into Global Nation and gives them a way to become Good Nation - GNation.

Especially kids, new generation that first time will be invited into impact and that will push their parents to join them making world a better place together.

Certainly we have built it with fixing 2 fundamental issues of impact space that are wrong and not letting massive scale to happen.

Number 1 is “No Trust” issue of course. And to solve it we built public transparent ledger on Hyperledger platform to be able to track every dollar cent and prove the values it creates. No more impact “behind the scenes”! No more!

Number 2 is “Pay to prove you are Good”. We fixed it and in GNation you can Do Good by completing actions and not necessarily donating. Now it’s that easy to Do Good.

GNation is an Open ecosystem and provides the set of tools, APIs and SDKs to any businesses (online and offline) to integrate and to connect their customers to their brand because of doing good all together.

If you have a business with thousands and millions of people community and want to empower them and connect to impact please come to us and let’s do it together with Good Nation. We provide it free of charge - with zero commission fees. The way how everything should be in impact space.

Recently we have started to approach first influencers and we are so delighted with the results and amazing acceptance. We have just started and cumulative audience of these GNation Partners is already almost 200 Millions of people. Imagine this number!
If you are influencer, celebrity with thousands and millions of users community who wants to give this power a real sense and value - come to us and let’s do it together with Good Nation.

We are preparing for the first release in several months in a small and beautiful country in Eastern Europe - Serbia and later Global release.

It is the time for Good Nation to happen. It is the time for GNation. Let's together unite all the people of the world and empower them with all they need to make the life better on our planet.

To give it a hand!

Welcome to GNation.

Thank you!»

GNation was warmly welcomed by the audience. After the speech Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, worldwide known social entrepreneur, and philanthropist working at the intersection of media and leveraging public-private partnerships for social impact, asked a question about GNation. He wondered whether even those members of it who are gamers can really be leaders and make the world better all together. Here is what the founder of GNation replied:

«Not many people know these numbers, but 2.5 billion gamers really exist in our world. And the average age of the gamer is 31 years. There are 54% men and 46% women. It is important to understand that every third of us is actually a gamer and is communicating with gaming in a regular base. This is where we there is a

of this gaming industry as a way how you can communicate with people. When we go to the soccer matches and see key message «no racism» it is touching us, but just 5 seconds after we are disconnected, we are not following any more. But with gaming community we do it regularly and more importantly we can be even rewarding for the right actions!

We can not just engage community but reward constantly for everything that will be done good. This is a specific opportunity for us to touch the base of the next generation, to empower them to create the better future. Kids being approached by parents that complaining that they are addicted to this or another game, can easily answer: «Mom, dad have a look at my Good Nation profile and check how many good projects I supported by playing games and not only last month —it is me who did that. Mom, dad, what did you do last month?»

That is what we want to see, that is what we want to hear and to be sure that the next generation will take care of the things that unfortunately somehow are not in the agenda of many adults to fix as most of them are involved into this never-ending race after wealth and technologies. Kids will save the world!»

GNation believes that people are indeed responsible for the future of humankind and the whole planet. It is sad but true that our planet faces significant threats: air pollution, animal extinction, starvation, global warming etc. Our goal is to bring up a decent generation that will follow the path of change that we are building today. And we can achieve it only by being an example of united and caring citizens of the Planet Earth, by being a Good Nation. GNation is the largest Open Social Impact Ecosystem that everyone can join and put all efforts to lead the planet to the better future.

Participating in such a significant summit is a huge step for GNation's on its way to change the world, but without a doubt is not the last one. Though GNation is only at the beginning of its path, it has already reached very impressive heights. GNation urges people to unite and put their combined efforts to make life on Earth better, to give it a hand.